John-To Senior Adults


10:30 AM Worship Service

May 26, 2024

John was a senior adult when he wrote the words of Revelation--probably about 95 years old.  He had walked with Jesus during his earthly ministry, but now he was given a vision of the exalted Lord in all His heavenly glory.  John says, "I fell at his feet as though dead."  He was comforted by the touch of the Lord's right hand and the reassuring words, "Fear not."  And then he was given a new assignment:  "Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later." Imagine getting an assignment like that at age 95! John had encouraging words to write to the churches--"I, John, your brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that are ours in Jesus." It is good to know that as senior adults, when we face suffering we are not alone. We have the fellowship of brothers and sisters in the church.