The Six Seals


10:30 AM Worship Service

Aug. 11, 2024

The sacred scroll that John saw in the right hand of the one who sat on the throne (God) was sealed with seven seals.  Only Christ was found worthy to break the seals and reveal the contents.  Revelation chapter six is John's vision of the opening of the first six seals.  The seventh seal will not occur until chapter 8 and will introduce the seven trumpets.  The first four seals form a unity describing the coming of the four horsement of the apocalypse.  The colors of the four horses are significant:  white, fiery red, black and pale.  The riders, in turn, are given power to introduce on the earth conquest, war, famine and death. All of these, of course, are the results of mankind's sinfulness.  The fifth seal assures us of the security of God's people who are martyred.  The are under the protection of the altar in heaven.  The sixth seal brings forth God's terrible judgment and we see the unredeemed facing the wrath of the Lamb.