The Trumpets - Silence and Sovereignty


10:30 AM Worship Service

Aug. 25, 2024

In the latter part of Chapter seven of Revelation, we saw a great celebration of worship and praise in heaven.  Now, in chapter 8 when the angel opens the seventh seal, there is silence in heaven for about half an hour.  Scholars say it is the silence of suspense, as heaven awaits the sounding of the seven trumpets and the accompanying disasters that are poured out on the earth.  The first four trumpets bring great judgments on the world of nature.  The last three trumpets are called "woes," and they bring terrible consequences to people.  These judgments are severe but they serve a redemptive purpose--hopefully, to bring the people of earth to repentance.  However, the opposite seems to be true. "The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hnds."  What must be our response to these things?  Surely, we must be a praying people and a witnessing people.